Vision therapy, also known as vision training, is used to improve vision skills such as eye movement control and eye coordination. It's like having a personal trainer for your eyes!
What happens is, a series of specific activities are performed to improve either poorly developed visual, visual motor or visual perceptual skills, or to further enhance the present visual skills to a higher level of efficiency and/or stamina.
Vision therapy may be used in the treatment of conditions such as:
Eye turn (strabismus).
Lazy eye (amblyopia).
Poor eye movement or eye focusing skills (fine visual motor therapy).
In traumatic brain injury (accident and stroke).
Enhance specific visual abilities, (i.e. required in a sport).
Developmental and visual perceptual deficits.

Not everyone needs corrective lenses. You could benefit just from some simple exercises for your eyes.
Ready to book your eye exam?
Give us a call on (07) 577 0113 or click below to book online.