Both your eyes see a slightly different image and through a process called fusion, your brain blends these two images into one three-dimensional picture.
Good eye coordination keeps the eyes in proper alignment and is a skill that must be developed. Poor eye coordination occurs when vision or eye muscle control doesn't develop adequately.
Because the images seen by each eye must be exactly coordinated, a person usually compensates for poor eye muscle control by using extra effort to maintain proper alignment of the eyes.
In more severe cases, the muscles cannot adjust the eyes and double vision occurs. Because the brain will try to avoid seeing double, it eventually learns to ignore the image sent by one eye which can result in amblyopia (lazy eye) and loss of 3D vision.
Common signs and symptoms of poor eye coordination include:
Double vision
Eye and body fatigue
Difficulty in reading and concentrating
A comprehensive eye examination by your Visique optometrist will be able to detect any poor eye coordination. Either special glasses, filters or vision training can help relieve this problem.