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The brain and the eye work together to produce vision and Amblyopia occurs when the vision in one of the eyes is reduced because the eye and brain are not working together properly.


The eye itself looks normal, but is not being used normally because the brain is favouring the other eye. This condition is also sometimes called 'lazy eye'.

Amblyopia is a common concern for the optometrist in relation to children, affecting approximately 2 to 3 out of every 100 people.


Sometimes Amblyopia is caused by Strabismus, or turned eyes. Another cause is when one eye is more short-sighted, long-sighted, or astigmatic than the other eye. Occasionally amblyopia is caused by other conditions such as cataracts.

Common symptoms of Amblyopia may include:

  • Eyes that do not seem to work together​

  • Eyes that turn in or out

  • Poor vision in one eye

  • Difficulty judging depth

  • Head tilting



Children who receive treatment before seven years of age usually have a near complete recovery of normal vision. However, Amblyopia will not go away on its own. If not detected until pre-teen years or later, treatment takes longer and may be less effective. Most cases can be corrected with glasses, contact lenses, vision therapy or, in occasional cases, with surgery.


Your Visique optometrist is trained to check for any causes and also help detect problems such as Amblyopia and to provide treatment where needed. If you have concerns, come in and see the team at Visique Greeton.​​

Visique Greerton Optometrists

(07) 577 0113

157 Chadwick Road

Greerton, Tauranga

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Opening hours

Mon:   8.30am -   5.30pm

Tues:   9.20am -   5.30pm

Weds: 8.30am -   5.30pm

Thurs: 8.30am -   5.30pm

Fri:       8.30am -   5.30pm


Open the second Saturday of each month from 9am - 12pm

Late-night appointments are available on request. 

Sorry, no eye exams available on Saturday mornings. ​


We are closed on Sundays, Public Holidays and Public Holiday Weekends.

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